Tuesday 26 April 2011

OUGD104 Visual language self evaluation

Module Code OUGD104
Module Title Visual language


NAME Lisa Whitaker BLOG. ADDRESS l-whitaker1013.blogspot.com

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
As I was gathering all workshop notes and briefs together I suddenly realised how much we had covered with this module. The introduction to grid and layout has been invaluable however will become even more so as we progress next year.
I still need to become more confident when using SLR cameras but never the less I am pleased with the ten photographs finally produced.
Through online tutorials I have developed further skills in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and using the bridge. The results for What is a line are by no means conclusive but I applied the new skills fairly effectively.
Colour theory was a revelation and I understand the relevance of RGB and CMYK especially when setting up documents.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Using primary source photography and video has strengthened the outcomes.

I have also read around type, grid and colour theory using sources such as Ellen Lupton ‘Thinking with type’ and the Design basics series. These have re-enforced the workshop notes and also extended my understanding. With Contextual Studies and Visual Language I think I am starting to join the dots of Graphic Design, past and present.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
Although I only sold two books at the book fair I was pleased with the quality of the book I produced. I have since sold some to friends and given them as gifts.
One strength, I don’t think has come through as strongly as I would like in this module, is that I can turn ideas on their heads. The idea of stripping a moving image back to jpegs then back to line drawings was strong.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
I have struggled to engage with the ‘what is a line’ brief. The main reason for this was reluctance on my part to make mistakes especially by hand so I avoided putting pen to paper. I think the need for everything to look to polished as resulted in me running out of time to develop the results to a level I am happy with. I need to stop focusing so much on outcomes, especially with this type of brief and just experiment. Saying that I have not really produced anything fit for a musical audience, that was one of targets.
Also due to the time constraints over the year I have not applied myself as effectively to Visual Language as much as I should. I have started to appreciate where this module can strengthen my work generally.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
• Write up notes and blog after each workshop to even when there is no submission date nearby.
• Practice some of the practical workshop skills beyond the workshop i.e. Grid and layout
• Don’t be too ambitious i.e. drawing 500 frames of a moving image was not realistic, challenges are good but ensure can be achieved in time available.
• Don’t allow time constraints to dilute the value in primary research i.e. illustrate from primary not secondary as much as possible.
• Start hand drawing again, I have lost confidence with this over the year. This is a useful skill even is to storyboard ideas

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’)

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
                                               1  2  3  4  5
Attendance                                            x
Punctuality                                            x
Motivation                                     x
Commitment                                      x
Quantity of work produced           x
Quality of work produced         x
Contribution to the group                   x

The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Interim self-evaluation

List 5 practical skills that you have developed.  When have they proved useful?
  1. Screen printing - another option for outcomes and cheaper for printing in volume.  Used to print 70 books for Do Day.
  2. Adobe Illustrator- Use instead of Photoshop so images are not pixelated
  3. Use of an Apple Mac (PC ONLY BEFORE) - Useful all the time
  4. Use of Quick Player and Final Cut - another option for outcomes i.e. Collection100
  5. Using an SLR and studio lighting - throughout course
List 5 transferable skills that you have developed.  What have you used them for?
  1. Project management skills- every brief, planning, time management
  2. Analytical skills used to analyse primary research so inofrmation is more manageable and relevant.
  3. Life experience - know where to look for data/ info.
  4. Time management across all briefs/modules
  5. Understanding primary,secondary, quantitative and qualitative reserve techniques - most briefs
List 5 things that you have achieved.  How they helped you progress?
  1. Managing my college/life balance successfully - time to meet deadlines/time for family
  2. Fitting in and feeling comfortable with the group as a mature student - one less thing to manage!
  3. Surprising myself by how engaged I was with Contextual Studies - thinking about the impact social/cultural/political factors have on design and visa versa.
  4. When my moving image about Barney Bubbles went viral online - confidence building.
  5. Third place in typogateaux - confidence building!
List 5 problems that you have had to face.  How have you overcome them?
  1. Managing my time when faced with several deadlines - lots of planning /lists and sheer bloody hard work!
  2. Stepping away from leading group briefs  - I recognise others have more advanced software skills.
  3. Lack of confidence with Software skills especially Illustrator- keep intending to do some online tutorials.
List 5 facts that you have learned. When have they been useful?
  1. I I catch 7.33am I will definitely be on before 9.30, if I catch the 8.15am I am at risk of being late!
  2. Harvard referencing system _ CTS essay
  3. The relevance of CMYK/RGB files - knowing best for print or screen
  4. Using batch process on Photoshop - speed process when dealing with a number of files eg Moving image.
  5. typeface facts and terminology - ie kerning and tracking
List 5 things that you will never do again.  Why?
  1. Try to screen print double sided without guides -waste of time and poor results
  2. Putting off blogging - nightmare to catch up.
Which of these five words describes the way you work as apart of a group?

Which of these qualities do you most appreciate about yourself?

Which of these attitudes best describes the way you worked as at the start of the group brief?

Which of these attitudes best describes the way you work now?

Friday 1 April 2011