Saturday 3 December 2011

Task 2 Where are they? How will they find me?

I started this task by considering Studios with work ethics or clients I liked this is linked here .  This clearly is not a finished list as going forward I an see myself either having to Freelance (so location not as critical) or ideally working for an agency within 30 miles of Huddersfield where I live.  For work placement though I would like to experience the best available which may mean working further afield.

The media used by most Designers now is blogging, Twitter, websites, Behance, Tumblr and similar sites.  This is not the straight forward exercise it would have been forty years ago we are in an age where technology has opened up the world. For example, a potential client may be based in Belgium however communication through the use of Skype, Face-time and email can mean doing business from Huddersfield is practical.

I have chosen the Culture sector as my client/employer group.  As explained in Task one this potentially is a difficult area to enter at the moment due to Government cut backs and the current economic climate.

Local Cultural employer/Client

Kirklees Council - Specifically Museums and Art Galleries

Political/Economic (Go hand in hand for Government/local government)

I have worked for Kirklees and am aware that they have a Graphic Design department (Or did up to Dec 2010).  Over the last two years I know there have been and there will be significant cuts and the only areas there are currently opportunities for employment tend to be in education or Social Services.  This could be a positive for a Freelance Designer as they may still sub contract work however knowing they have significantly cut Capital budgets I cannot see there being much local government funding for development in the Culture sector (other than through Grants from say the Lottery Fund for example)This is an area to look for potential opportunities - Grants and funding and where they are allocated. 
Also aligned to this given the Conservative encouragement of Entrepreneurship and business start ups there could be more support offered in this area.  Worth keeping an eye on Business Link


The Government focus has changed from Public Services and spending to Private sector growth.  Their Local Government focus and targets are on the most deprived areas of society.  They are keen to encourage Volunteering in the community.  For example they recently asked for volunteer library assistants to keep the local libraries open.
I personally hope the money invested in the Culture sector by the Labour government is not wasted and that these public spaces are still maintained and promoted. 
With the Global economic downturn it is more important than ever to encourage people to engage with their Cultural environment. 


I had a look at the Pdf guide available to the public for Bagshaw Museum which Corporate feel whilst informative hardly engages you.  Although the Council website is useful in gaining info. about what is going on Culturally perhaps the use of  Interactive and Virtual Technology would be more engaging and appealing to a younger generation.

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