Monday 28 March 2011

Communication is a virus -final outcomes and evaluation


Overall the brief was a team effort and was answered well.  There was a distinct split in the group in terms of ways of working and also what we wanted out of the brief. Despite the group agreeing deadlines for various things on several occasions these were not always met and this led to conflict and frustration (Mainly on my part or at least I was the only one to say anything about it).  

Sarah and I made a good team and both worked really hard to pull the production and distribution off. We were keen to make this go live and as such we went down the screen print route as this is not only a cheap way to print in bulk but it also gave us the finish we were after.  We were disappointed that on the day we had agreed to distribute everything the posters had not been printed out as agreed and it was only after much persuasion that we got them printed.  

We managed to give out hot dog books and put up posters around Leeds however I think the most successful way of getting this to go viral was using Facebook and Tweeter.

I was conscious that although I contributed to the initial design ideas I did take a back seat in this area.  This was because I recognised that Dom, Sarah and Matt all had stronger skills from me in this area.  I think my role was the initial idea/concept and also the organisation throughout.  I liked Dom's logo and felt the DO DAY brand is strong despite Matt pointing out later it is very "Easy jet'.

Although we received positive feedback to our presentation I don't think it portrayed how engaged we had been with the brief and the extent to which we had taken the production and distribution both physically and digitally.  I have not managed to get a copy of the presentation to post on my Blog.  Dom is a confident speaker and likes speaking 'off the cuff' whereas I would have be more comfortable presenting something more structured.  As it was Dom carried his part off perfectly.  

On a positive note the fact Laura Jordan invited us to do another Do Day is testament in itself that we had communicated our message.

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