Saturday 12 March 2011

Pitches and feedback for Communication is a virus

We gave our pitches to Jo and Amber using the boards above.
Amber's initial feedback was she liked the essence of our idea and she felt we had something however we had to unpick what was 'new' and also what would motivate someone to actually try our new suggestions.  Matt is going to research the idea of 'new'. 

I fed back the idea of an App which acts as as randomiser throwing out suggestion which the user then tried, documented/photographed/videoed and shared with a group of friends or others in the App group.  With the popularity of Facebook and other social networking sites.  I thought this was an interesting way of making the concept go viral. 

Amber said it reminded her of the Nike + campaign which I have researched further on my Design context blog.

Dom shared our idea about possibly making this with a 'business', Corporate brand angle as it is aimed at Professionals.

When we showed them our questionnaire which we have already published on freeonline surveys, they raised question about the title (Matt had questioned the very northern slant it gave earlier) and felt the survey would have been stronger if we had actually established the person was ion a rut through a series of questions.  IE How long do you work? How do you spend your free time? etc which would maybe conclude they were indeed stuck in the same old routine.  Rather than republish they advised to see what kind of feedback/results we get back.  I said we had tried to keep the questionnaire as short as possible as from experience people are more likely to complete.

On reflection the survey is quite leading and depending on the results on Monday it may be worth revising it.

Amber had hooked into to the 'long hours' angle we had used when describing the concept and she felt this gave us an opportunity to research 'scare tactics' about the impact certain lifestyles can have on their health.  Dom said he would research this further.

Sarah discussed her idea for the weekly calendar which had been the catalyst for the concept.  We thought a suggestion per week could be enough for a busy working professional.

Other angles to consider, are we trying to psychologically change some body's life?

Think of novel ways of getting this out there, unexpected angles.

Amber and Jo said looking at books like 'how to change your world in under a fiver?' maybe useful.  Jo's sister also keeps sending her inspirational emails from 'Mama jean's daily fluff'.

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