Thursday 18 November 2010

Alphabet soup - Illustrator self-evaluation

How well does this answer the brief?

I have produced an A1 landscape poster with 26 letter form variations.

How well as the idea been visually explored?

Due to my developing skills in Illustrator and the time constraints caused by other brief deadlines I have not visually explored each letterform as much as I would have liked.

What are the strengths of the resolution?

The knitted three layer orator font I used as the basis for the development lent itself to a great variety of experimentation.  The nature of this experimentation meant I fully explored the pen tool, experimented with opacity of colour and also created pattern swatches. I was also able to use the pathfinder tool to unite, intersect and cut out various shapes. The poster is visually interesting and I want to put it on my wall at home!   

How could it be improved?

I could have tried to make the letters almost illegible to see how far the manipulation could be taken.  I also had problems creating the pattern swatches which meant my Illustrator file kept crashing.  If this had not have happened I would have had more hard evidence of the experimentation.


I also used these techniques to develop the Alphabet soup font in Illustrator.  Going forward I need to resolve why the programme kept crashing when I created a pattern swatch

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